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Aesthetic Medicine – What Is It?

I am so immersed in the world of aesthetic medicine that I sometimes forget that many people have absolutely no idea of what it entails! It’s a relatively new branch of medicine…it certainly wasn’t around when I was at Med school but it’s a field of medicine that has grown quickly and is constantly evolving and improving. Aesthetic medicine incorporates all medical procedures that are aimed at improving the physical appearance of a patient. Usually, this involves using non-invasive or minimally invasive procedures. Initially, aesthetic medicine was almost solely about using injectables such as wrinkle-reducing injections (botulinum toxin) and fillers…
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No one Ever Told Me I’d Have Floppy Earlobes!

How come no one ever told us we’d get floppy earlobes when we got old? Never mind the middle age spread, the sagging breasts, and the failing eyesight, how come our mothers never warned us about our earlobes? We all expect the day to come when it’s no longer becoming or appropriate to wear a tight T shirt or skinny jeans. We know that our eyesight will gradually weaken making it almost impossible to apply eyeliner smoothly, or tweeze our eyebrows. We even expect to have the odd hair sprouting forth from our chins. These eventualities will come and we’ll…
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What Happens To Our Faces As We age?

Aging is a process.  It starts gradually and doesn’t really bother us at first….I don’t want to look twenty…..I want to age gracefully….I’ve earned these lines!   But somehow the changes in one’s appearance creep up slowly and then start to accelerate and one day you look in the mirror and wonder what on earth happened to the real you, why do you look tired/sad/angry?  Why does your skin look dull and uneven-toned and where did all those wrinkles and crinkles come from?   I know, I know…celebrate your age, not everyone gets there.  I know…beauty comes from within and…
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