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Skin Rejuvenation

Lasers, micro needling, chemical exfoliation, microdermabrasion, IPL, photodynamic therapy, and other treatments can all help to treat the outer layer of the skin to reveal a fresh, healthy and glowing complexion.

FRAXEL-Dual Laser

What is it?

FRAXEL is a laser treatment which improves the quality of the skin by removing microscopic columns of tissue, thereby removing sun damage and pigmentation, and simultaneously stimulating new collagen formation during the healing process.

It has FDA approval for the treatment of many different skin conditions and is regarded as one of the best laser treatments for skin rejuvenation.  A “fraction” of the skin is treated with each session.  The fraction treated will be done according to your individual prescription.

This practice uses the FRAXEL-Dual, the most up-to-date machine available, which uses two different wavelengths to ensure optimal results.

A FRAXEL treatment is one of the most rewarding treatments one can have, improving so many different components that it leaves our patients feeling happier in their own skins!  Many of our patients feel more comfortable going without make-up after a few FRAXEL treatments.

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What does a treatment entail?

Your face will be cleansed and photographs will be taken.  Depending on the strength of treatment you are having, a topical anaesthetic may be applied for 30-60 minutes prior to your treatment.

Cold air is blown onto the treatment area and the FRAXEL laser head is moved over your skin in a systemic fashion, feeling like tiny pin pricks.  A number of passes are made, depending on your treatment prescription.  Afterwards, your skin will feel warm and will throb as if you are sunburnt.  You will be placed under an infra-red PDT (photo dynamic therapy) light for 20 minutes which accelerates healing and aids in the collagen stimulating process.  A soothing serum and sunblock will be applied before you leave.

Is there pain and downtime?

Redness and mild swelling will occur and you will look like you have been sunburnt.  This lasts for 1-4 days, according to the strength of treatment done.  Thereafter, your skin may darken and will feel like sandpaper before gradually flaking off.  This lasts for 5-10 days.  If your treatment has been prescribed for collagen formation, darkening and flaking may not occur. Typically, most patients lie low for the first day or two.  After that, the residual redness and dryness can be covered with a tinted sunblock.

Discomfort is mild and usually does not require analgesics.  Paracetamol can be taken if required, but please avoid anti-inflammatories which may hamper the formation of new collagen.  A complementary microdermabrasion treatment is offered 7-10 days after high strength FRAXEL treatments to get rid of any residual dryness and flaking skin.

When can I expect to see results?

If a FRAXEL treatment is done for sun damage and pigmentation, you can expect to see results within a week or two after the treatment.  The collagen building effects take 4-6 months to become evident and continue for up to a year.

How many treatments do I need and how often?

No one treatment regimen is suited to everyone and individual responses to treatments differ widely, depending on the strength of the treatment done, the condition being treated, the severity of the condition, and the patient’s specific skin type.  Your treating practitioner will assess you and discuss the best treatment options for you personally.  More than one FRAXEL treatment is usually needed for optimal results, with a minimum of 14 days between each treatment.  Please ensure you protect your skin during and after treatments by applying sunscreen liberally and regularly, wearing a hat, and avoiding the sun.

FRAXEL facials are mini FRAXEL treatments which are ideal for improving skin with minimal sun damage, or as maintenance treatments after you have completed a course of full FRAXEL treatments. .

Recommended Supplements:

Taking an oral collagen supplement may help you get better results.

FRAXEL can be used for:
  • Treatment of fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Uneven skin colour and tone.
  • Sun damage and sun spots.
  • Melasma and hormonal pigmentation.
  • Aktinic keratoses and pre-malignant skin lesions.
  • Acne scarring and surgical scars.
  • Skin resurfacing, reduction of enlarged pores, and improvement of skin texture.

Skin Needling (Dermapen)

Also known as CIT, or Collagen Induction Therapy

What is it?

Skin needling (also known as CIT, or Collagen Induction Therapy) is a technique of skin rejuvenation where tiny holes are made in the skin.  These controlled micro- injuries stimulate a wound healing response which leads to a biological repair action….microscopic injuries lead to a release of growth factors which stimulate your skin to produce new collagen, elastin, and other proteins which help build a healthy skin.

Different serums or your own platelet-rich-plasma (PRP) are added during the treatment to give even better results.  The microchannels caused by the skin needling process allow a much better penetration of active ingredients to the cells that we want to stimulate.

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What device is used?

We use a DERMAPEN 4  for all of our skin needling treatments.  This device has strong and straight needles that allow us to make precise and microscopic injuries in the exact depth that we are targeting.  Other devices often have needles of varying penetration that can tug on the skin or cause scratch marks, leading to variable results and an increase in downtime.

What does a treatment entail?

A topical anaesthetic is applied for 15 – 45 minutes, and then removed before skin is thoroughly cleansed.  An active serum or your own PRP is applied and the needling process begins.  The DERMAPEN is moved across your skin in different directions, ensuring you get optimal  penetration of serums and collagen stimulation.  After your treatment, more serum or PRP is massaged onto the skin and left to penetrate for 10-60 minutes.

Is there pain and downtime?

Most people find the treatment very easy or experience minimal discomfort.  Downtime is dependent on the intensity of the treatment and the depth of needle penetration, but most people have very little.  You can expect redness and a small amount of swelling for 24 hours.  Some people may have tiny needle prick bruises.  After that you can expect to feel a dry, tight sensation and some minor skin flaking.  Within 4-5 days you will have full recovery and normalised skin function.

When can I expect to see results?

Your body’s biological repair mechanism starts immediately after treatment and some conditions that we are treating will show results more quickly than others.  Collagen formation and final maturation takes time.  Expect to see results within about 3 weeks and improvement for up to 6 months.

How many treatments do I need and how often?

We recommend at least three treatments spaced  2-4 weeks apart.  Having more treatments will likely give you even better results in the long term.

Is there any specific aftercare?

Taking a collagen supplement may help get better long term results.  Use of a mild cleanser and products which do not contain any active ingredients is recommended for the first few days after treatment.  Your treating practitioner will give you proper aftercare and skincare advice.

Skin Needling Using Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP)

What is it?

Skin needling using platelet-rich plasma (PRP), is a trend that took Hollywood by storm.  This treatment (also known as the Vamp Facial) entails a skin needling treatment using stem cells and growth factors derived from your own plasma, to rejuvenate your skin and stimulate maximal collagen production.

What does a treatment entail?

A topical anaesthetic is applied to the area to be treated and left on for 20-40 minutes.  A small tube of blood is taken from your arm and put into a centrifuser which spins it down, separating the red blood cells from your plasma. This plasma is rich in stem cells and platelet-derived growth factors which help to stimulate maximal collagen production.  We use your plasma as a treatment serum, using a Dermapen 4 to “needle” it into your skin.

The needling process causes minute and controlled micro-injuries to your skin and creates thousands of entry ports for deep penetration of your plasma.  Both the micro-injuries and the stem cells and growth factors in your plasma stimulate a healing cascade in your skin that creates collagen and results in healthier, tighter skin with fewer fine lines and wrinkles.

Is there pain and downtime?

There is no pain and downtime is minimal.  Your skin will be red and slightly swollen afterwards, but usually settles in a day.  Some areas may have tiny, petechial bruises which disappear quickly.

What do I need to do afterwards?

You need to leave the “serum” on your skin for a few hours afterwards and avoid using skin care products containing active ingredients for a few days.  Your treating practitioner will be able to advise you on proper aftercare.

When can I expect to see results?

Most people see results within a week after treatment but the collagen stimulating effects continue for up to three months.

How many treatments do I need and how often?

We recommend at least three treatments at 1 monthly intervals for optimal results.

Can other areas be treated?

A skin needling treatment with PRP can be done on almost any area of the body where collagen stimulation is required.  We often treat necks, decolletages, abdomens, and arms to improve the quality of the skin, with an improvement in texture, tone, and fine lines and wrinkles.

What conditions is it used for?

Skin needling can be used for a variety of different skin conditions.  Your medical practitioner will adjust the depth and intensity of treatment according to your specific skin needs.

Skin needling can be used to treat:

  • Sun damaged skin
  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Enlarged pores
  • Rough and uneven textured skin
  • Hair loss and early alopecia
  • Scars
  • Stretch marks
  • Pigmentation
  • Acne
  • Rosacea

Various parts of the body can be treated, including the face, neck, decolletage, scalp, abdominal skin, inner arms and thighs, and knees.  All skin types can be safely treated.

Chemical Peels

What is it?

A chemical peel is the removal of the uppermost layer of the epidermis using various different chemical acids.  These dissolve the bonds between dead epidermal cells, allowing the outermost layer to slough off.  Some peels are mild and remove the superficial layer with almost no visible peeling or dryness afterwards.  Other peels are slightly deeper and cause flaking and sloughing off of skin for a few days to weeks.  Mid-depth peels are much deeper and result in significant flaking and peeling for up to a month after the treatment.

Chemical peels are used to treat a range of skin conditions and different acids are used according to the condition being treated, the condition of the skin, and the patient’s expectations with regard to down-time.

A chemical peel is a quick and relatively inexpensive way to reveal fresh, healthy and glowing skin.

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What types of peels do we offer? 

This practice offers a variety of superficial chemical peels, including glycolic acid peels, lactic acid peels, salicylic acid peels, and retinol and peels which contain a combination of ingredients to treat conditions such as acne, pigmentation, dullness and ageing.

Your treating practitioner will choose the correct peel to treat your specific skin condition.

What conditions are they used for?

Chemical peels are used to:

  • Remove dull, dehydrated skin
  • Improve fine lines and wrinkles and texture of skin
  • Treat active acne
  • Treat monthly breakouts and resulting pigmentation

With age, cell turnover decreases and results in a build up of the outermost dead cell layer and dullness of the skin.  Fine lines and wrinkles are more pronounced.  Regular exfoliation of this layer with a mild chemical peel helps to restore a youthful, healthy glow to the skin and improves the texture and appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Bacteria gets trapped under dead epidermal cells, causing breakouts and active acne.  Regular mild peels helps to remove the dead cells, removes excess sebum, and helps impede the growth of bacteria, resulting in clearer skin, a decreased incidence of breakouts, and an improvement in active acne.

What does a treatment entail?

The treatment area will be thoroughly cleansed prior to treatment.  A thin layer of the peel is applied with a gauze swab or brush.  Some peels “burn” for a short while, others are painless.  Some peels self-neutralise and others need to be neutralised with another substance. Treatment intensity can be varied according to your skin sensitivity.  Afterwards, the peel may be left on for a few hours or your face will be cleansed again and skin care products and/or sunblock applied.

Is there downtime?

We believe that mild, regular peels are more beneficial than deeper ones, and decrease the risk of any side effects.  Most of the chemical peels we offer have no downtime apart from mild flaking of the skin for a few days.

When can I expect to see results?

Results are evident within a few days.  Your skin will feel soft and smoother and will have a healthy glow which will last for 1-2 weeks.

How many treatments do I need and how often?

Regular, mild chemical peels are recommended for maximal effect.  Monthly treatments will significantly reduce hormonal breakouts and improve active acne.

Is there any specific aftercare?

Use of a mild cleanser and products which do not contain any active ingredients is recommended for the first few days after treatment.  Your treating practitioner will give you proper aftercare and skincare advice.

Ideal for:
  • Treating dull, tired-looking skin
  • Improving rough texture
  • Improving fine lines and wrinkles
  • Helping control monthly breakouts
  • Treating active acne
  • Treating pigmentation from pimples
  • Safe for young and older skins
  • Helping restore a healthy glow


What is it?

Microdermabrasion is gentle “abrasion” of your skin to remove the outermost, dead cell layer, revealing soft, healthy underlying skin.  Some practices use a sandpaper-like tip to do microdermabrasion which may scratch the skin and cause mild trauma.  We use special non-toxic aluminium oxide crystals which gently “sandblast” your skin, resulting in a uniform exfoliation without any side effects.  The resulting increased blood flow to the area further helps with the rejuvenating effects of a treatment.  A microdermabrasion treatment leaves your skin feeling soft and silky, and imparts a healthy, youthful glow.

What conditions is it used for?

Microdermabrasion can be used to treat any skin condition where removal of the outer layer would be beneficial.  This includes dull-looking skin, dryness, enlarged pores, rough texture, fine lines and wrinkles, and active acne.

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The outermost, dead cell layer acts as a barrier to penetration of skin care ingredients and removing it prior to many of our in-house treatments and facials helps us obtain maximal penetration of the active ingredients we are using to treat your specific skin concern.  The beneficial exfoliating effect lasts for 1-2 weeks, allowing increased absorption and increasing efficacy of your skin care products at home too.

We often do a microdermabrasion treatment before applying topical anaesthetic to your skin to help accelerate the numbing process, or a few days after a FRAXEL treatment or chemical peel to remove the last of your flaking skin.

With age, cell turnover decreases and results in a build up of the outermost dead cell layer and dullness of the skin.  Regular exfoliation of this layer with microdermabrasion helps to restore a youthful, healthy glow to the skin.

What does a treatment entail?

The treatment area will be thoroughly cleansed prior to treatment.  A small handpiece is moved across your skin which “blasts” tiny crystals, removing the superficial dead cell layer.  A few passes are made in varying directions, ensuring a uniform exfoliation.  Treatment intensity can be varied according to your skin sensitivity.  Afterwards, your face will be cleansed again and skin care products and/or sunblock applied.

Is there pain and downtime?

Most people find the treatment very easy and experience no discomfort whatsoever.  There may be mild redness afterwards due to the exfoliating effect as well as increased blood flow, but this settles within a few hours.  There is no downtime after a microdermabrasion treatment.

When can I expect to see results?

Results are immediate.  Your skin will feel soft and smooth and will have a healthy glow which will last for 1-2 weeks.

How many treatments do I need and how often?

We recommend at least three treatments spaced  2-4 weeks apart.  Having more treatments at monthly intervals will likely give you even better results in the long term.  Conditions such as active acne will benefit from having an exfoliating treatment monthly to remove the dead cell layer which traps bacteria and clogs pores.  Conditions such as enlarged pores and rough skin texture tend to recur and monthly treatments are recommended to maintain good results.

Is there any specific aftercare?

Use of a mild cleanser and products which do not contain any active ingredients is recommended for the first few days after treatment.  Your treating practitioner will give you proper aftercare and skincare advice.

  • Treats dull, tired-looking skin
  • Restores youthful, healthy glow
  • Treats enlarged pores
  • Treats rough texture
  • Helps combat dryness
  • Helps combat fine lines and wrinkles
  • Improves bloodflow
  • Improves product penetration
  • Treats active acne
  • Safe for young and older skins


What is it?

Lasergenesis is a safe and effective non-invasive laser treatment to improve certain skin conditions and stimulate skin rejuvenation. We use a Cutera Nd-Yag laser for this relaxing and completely painless treatment.

What is Lasergenesis used for?

Lasergenesis is used to gently heat the papillary dermis of the skin, stimulating fibroblasts to produce collagen and shrinking the micro blood vessels, helping to reduce overall redness and improving skin tone.

It is a safe and wonderful treatment to help rejuvenate the skin and delay the many effects of ageing on the skin.

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We use laser genesis in patients who have:

• Premature ageing
• Sun damage
• Rosacea (excessive redness)
• Enlarged pores
• Uneven texture
• Acne scarring
• Sallow complexion

What areas can be treated?

The face, neck and décolletage are usual treatment areas, but any area on the body can be treated with lasergenesis.

What does a treatment feel like?

The laser resembles a small wand attached to a large machine. It is moved systematically back and forth across the treatment area, leading to a gradual build up of heat in the skin. It is a pleasant and comfortable experience and is often described as a feeling of “warm rain” on the skin. You will be asked to wear eye protection goggles during your laser genesis treatment. Treatments generally last from 10-20 minutes, depending on the size of the area being treated.

Is there pain and downtime?

There is no pain or downtime whatsoever. Very mild redness and/or mild swelling may be present for 1-2 days after a treatment, giving skin a healthy glow.

How many treatments do I need and how often?

A course of 6-8 lasergenesis treatments is recommended for best results. These can be stand-alone treatments or can be added onto your facial.

No one treatment regimen is suited to everyone and individual responses to treatments differ widely, depending on the strength of the treatment done, the condition being treated, the severity of the condition, and the patient’s specific skin type. Your treating practitioner will assess you and discuss the best treatment programme for you personally.

When can I expect to see results?

Results are cumulative with a gradual improvement in skin quality with each treatment. Most patients can see a visible difference in their skin after 1-3 treatments.

Please ensure you protect your skin during and after treatments by applying sunscreen liberally and regularly, wearing a hat, and avoiding the sun.

Recommended supplements:

Regular use of a collagen supplement may help you get better results from this treatment.

  • Premature ageing
  • Sun damage
  • Rosacea (excessive redness)
  • Enlarged pores
  • Uneven texture
  • Acne scarring
  • Sallow complexion
  • Improves skin tone

Carboxy Therapy

What is it?

Carboxy therapy is the infusion of carbon dioxide gas into skin tissue.  This carbon dioxide displaces oxygen, resulting in a relative oxygen deficit. Your body responds by increasing blood flow to the area, bringing with it an increase in oxygen and nutrients, and helping to flush the area. Carboxy Therapy can be used to treat:

  • Stretch marks
  • Cellulite
  • Dark, under-eye circles
  • Crepey skin
  • Skin rejuvenation
  • Raynaud’s disease
  • Wound healing

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  • Stretch marks improve as the gas helps to break down scar tissue, allowing fibroblasts to create normal tissue in the area. The increased oxygen and nutrients help to further stimulate these fibroblasts.  Carboxy therapy is one of the only treatments that really can improve stretch marks, particularly those that have recently formed.  A course of treatments is recommended for best results.
  • Cellulite is caused by a combination of factors including genetic predisposition, hormonal influences, lack of exercise, poor lymphatic drainage, and poor blood flow. Carboxy therapy increases blood flow to affected areas and indirectly improves lymphatic drainage.  Many people experience a marked improvement in the appearance of their cellulite with a course of carboxy treatments.
  • Dark, under-eye circles are often caused by dilated and leaking blood vessels which lie in the thin and delicate skin under the eye. Carboxy therapy helps to flush the area, removing blood pigment left behind by leaking blood vessels and helps to strengthen the endothelial walls of blood vessels, helping to strengthen and constrict them.
  • Crepey skin is a result of collagen and elastin breakdown caused by age and sun damage. Carboxy therapy helps to stimulate collagen and elastin synthesis by providing oxygen and nutrients to the cells in these areas.
  • Skin rejuvenation anywhere on the body is aided by the increased oxygen and nutrients delivered by carboxy treatments. Areas that can be treated include the delicate skin under the eyes, neck, decolletage, abdomen, arms, legs, and genital area.
  • Raynaud’s disease and poor circulation is improved by carboxy therapy.
  • Wound healing is accelerated by carboxy therapy and it is often used in operating theaters in France to treat post-surgery wounds and ulcers.

What does a treatment entail?

A tiny needle is inserted into the treatment area and carbon dioxide gas is infused into the area.  A feeling of pressure and mild swelling is often experienced, but subsides almost immediately.  The treated area becomes red for a few minutes due to the increased blood flow to that area.

Is there pain and downtime?

Some areas treated with carboxy are painless, whilst others are uncomfortable or painful.  This settles within a few seconds and there is no downtime.  Small needle-prick bruises may occur.

How many treatments do I need and how often?

We recommend a course of carboxy treatments for optimal results.  Frequency and number of treatments is dependent on the area being treated and will be advised by your treating practitioner.

For the treatment of:
  • Stretch marks
  • Scars
  • Cellulite
  • Dark, under-eye circles
  • Crepey skin
  • Skin rejuvenation
  • Wound Healing

Photodynamic Therapy (PDT)

What is it?

Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is an infra-red light treatment which has anti-aging, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and healing properties.  The specific wavelength of infra-red light is able to penetrate into the skin where it acts in a multitude of different ways.  The anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory action of PDT makes it ideal for treating active acne and to calm the skin after minimally invasive treatments such as chemical peels and Fraxel® laser treatments. PDT stimulates a healing cascade in the skin which helps patients to recover more quickly from active skin treatments such as these.  PDT also has anti-aging properties.  The infra-red light stimulates a number of growth factors in the skin and induces new collagen formation.

This practice uses the OMNILUX PDT machine, as well as other PDT machines, whose benefits have been documented in numerous clinical medical papers.

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What conditions is it used for?

Photodynamic light therapy is used in the following conditions:

  • Treatment of active acne
  • Shortens recovery time after Fraxel laser treatments
  • Calms the skin after intense chemical peels
  • Shortens duration of bruising
  • Pre and post surgical procedures such as facelifts, wisdom teeth removal, nose jobs
  • Activates ALA treatments (intense precancerous skin lesion treatment)
  • As an anti-aging treatment

We use PDT extensively in our practice, both as an adjunct to other treatments, and as a stand-alone treatment by itself.

What does a treatment entail?

Cottonwool pads and block-out black goggles will be placed over your eyes.  The PDT light is positioned over the area to be treated and the light switched on.  This intense red light is warm and soothing and is left on for 20 minutes.

Is there pain and downtime?

There is no pain or downtime whatsoever.

When can I expect to see results?

The anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, healing, and anti-aging benefits of PDT start immediately and continue for a few days after a treatment.

How many treatments do I need and how often?

The number and frequency of treatments required is dependent on the condition being treated.  Only one treatment is needed after a Fraxel laser treatment or intense chemical peel.  Active acne requires one treatment weekly for the first month, and then one treatment monthly.  We recommend that patients with significant bruising have a treatment every 2-3 days to accelerate healing.   For anti-aging benefits, a PDT treatment every two weeks is recommended.

Your treating practitioner will be able to advise you on the best treatment regimen for your condition.

  • Infra –red light treatment
  • Anti-inflammatory properties
  • Anti-bacterial properties
  • Anti-aging properties
  • Stimulates healing cascade
  • Shortens recovery time
  • Shortens duration of bruising
  • Accelerates healing
  • Treatment of active acne
  • Activation of ALA treatment


What is it?

Lamprobe is a non-invasive, high energy, radiofrequency treatment used to electro-dessicate, thermo-coagulate, and electro-cauterize various skin lesions on the body.  The technology has FDA approval and CE approval and can be used to treat a wide range of skin lesions.  These include:

  • Actinic keratoses
  • Skin tags
  • Cherry angiomas
  • Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra
  • Fibromas
  • Broken capillaries and spider naevi 
  • Xanthelasma
  • Milia
  • Sebaceous hyperplasia 
  • Blocked pores, subcutaneous cysts, and acne pustules
  • Stubborn hairs
  • Benign moles and sun spots

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  • Actinic keratoses – most common sun-related precancerous growth found in fair-skinned individuals. These small, rough, crusty patches are often found on sun-exposed areas such as face, hands, forearms, ears, and scalp.  If left untreated, these lesions may develop into skin cancer later on.
  • Skin tags – harmless growths that often appear in middle agetypically on the face, neck, and underarm areas.
  • Cherry angiomas – bright red or purple papules on the skin caused by abnormal proliferation of blood vessels. These tend to become more prominent with age and are often found on the breasts and body, and can range in number from a few to hundreds.  Also known as Campbell De Morgan spots or senile angiomas.
  • Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra – a condition of multiple small, benign skin growths that are often found on darker skin types. They are darkly pigmented and found commonly on the face and neck and increase with age.  Also known as Morgan Freeman spots.
  • Fibromas – benign, usually colourless growths that are often found in skin creases.
  • Broken capillaries and spider naevi – small, dilated blood vessels near the surface of the skin which often worsen with age, particularly on the nose and cheeks.
  • Xanthelasma – soft, yellowish plaques of lipids, slightly raised and found just under the skin in the peri-orbital area around the eyes.
  • Milia – small, hard white plugs of sebum usually found on the forehead, cheeks, and around the eyes, particularly in oily skins.
  • Sebaceous hyperplasia – benign yellowish dimpled papules on the skin, particularly forehead, cheeks and nose caused by an overgrowth of sebaceous glands.
  • Blocked pores, subcutaneous cysts, and acne pustules – the current released by the lamprobe helps to extrude all of the contents of a blocked pore, cyst, or acne pustule.
  • Stubborn hairs – the lamprobe works like electrolysis to permanently remove hairs by damaging the hair root. This is particularly helpful in removing blonde or grey hairs that do not respond to laser hair removal.
  • Benign moles and sun spots – may be removed using lamprobe.

What does a treatment entail?

Topical anaesthetic may be applied to certain lesions for 15-30 minutes before treatment.  A tiny probe which has a radiofrequency electrical current is used to treat lesions.  Depending on what is being treated, the probe may treat the surface of the lesion, or it may be inserted into the skin before the current is released.   You may experience mild discomfort.  Lesions may sting or be slightly raw after treatment.  An anti-bacterial ointment such as Fucidin will be applied afterwards.

Is there pain and downtime?

Most lesions are treated painlessly or with minimal discomfort.  Electrolysis and vein treatments are often uncomfortable for the few seconds of treatment.  Some lesions may scab afterwards and these scabs can take 1-3 weeks to heal.  Rarely, pigmentation changes may occur.

How many treatments do I need and how often?

Most lesions require only one treatment.  Veins, cherry angiomas, and other vascular lesions may require additional treatments for a permanent result.  Hair removal by electrolysis may need to be repeated as permanent removal is dependent on what phase of growth the hair follicle is in at the time of treatment.

For the treatment of:
  • Dilated capillaries
  • Telangiectasia
  • Sebaceous hyperplsia
  • Cherry angiomas
  • Skin tags and fibromas
  • Morgan Freeman spots
  • Actinic keratoses
  • Xanthelasma
  • Electrolysis for hair removal
  • Blocked pores and milia
  • Subcutaneous cysts
  • Acne pustules

Limelight Photofacial/IPL – IPL (Intense Pulsed Light)

What is it?

Limelight photorejuvenation is an advanced type of IPL (Intended Pulse Light) treatment which revitalises the skin in a non-invasive way. Measured, safe pulses of light target excessive brown pigmentation or redness in the skin, resulting in a more even skin tone and complexion. Limelight also helps to rejuvenate the skin by stimulating collagen production. We use Limelight specifically because it uses an advanced IPL system with increased safety.

Limelight is used to rejuvenate the skin by treating issues such as:

  • Sun spots
  • Redness
  • Small superficial veins (telangiectasia)
  • Poilkiloderma (redness of neck)

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What areas can be treated?

The face, neck, décolletage, and hands respond very well to a Limelight treatment. We can also use Limelight to treat arms, legs, and backs.

What does a treatment feel like?

Each Limelight pulse is delivered with a bright flash of light and a mild pinching or stinging feeling. There is no need for application of a topical anaesthetic prior to treatment. The treated area may feel warm, swollen, and sunburnt afterwards. Make-up may be applied directly after a treatment.

When can results be seen?

If sun damage and pigmentation are being treated, the brown spots will darken initially (sometimes described as a coffee-grind appearance) and gradually flake and fall off over 1-3 weeks, leaving the skin looking fresher and more even-toned. If broken capillaries/rosacea/diffuse redness is being treated, there is often mild swelling for 1-7 days followed by an improvement in overall redness and appearance of the skin.

Is there pain and downtime?

Redness and mild swelling may occur, looking like a mild sunburn. This lasts for 1-5 days, according to the strength of treatment done. Sensitive skins are likely to be more reactive and may take longer to settle. If sun spots are being treated, they will initially darken and become dry before gradually peeling off. This usually lasts for 5-10 days.

Discomfort is mild and usually does not require analgesics.

When can I expect to see results?

Results are evident within 1-3 weeks.

How many treatments do I need and how often?

No one treatment regimen is suited to everyone and individual responses to treatments differ widely, depending on the strength of the treatment done, the condition being treated, the severity of the condition, and the patient’s specific skin type. Your treating practitioner will assess you and discuss the best treatment programme for you personally. More than one Limelight treatment may be needed for optimal results, with a minimum of 14 days between each treatment.

Please ensure you protect your skin during and after treatments by applying sunscreen liberally and regularly, wearing a hat, and avoiding the sun.

  • Improves skin tone
  • Improves skin imperfections
  • Targets brown marks
  • Targets rosacea
  • Targets broken capillaries
  • Increases collagen and elastin
  • Improves poikiloderma
  • Improves and treats acne

Excessive Redness

What is it?

Facial redness may be caused by visible blood vessels or a condition known as rosacea.  Rosacea is a skin condition that is poorly understood and presents initially with facial redness and sometimes pimples and pustules at a later stage.  It tends to be progressive without treatment.  Redness of the neck and décolletage is usually caused by sun damage which accelerates collagen breakdown and makes blood vessels more visible.

The redness of rosacea and visible blood vessels in the face, neck and décolletage can be treated with intense pulsed light (IPL), a light treatment that targets the red haemoglobin colour, damaging blood vessels and causing them to constrict and become less visible.  Rosacea also often needs further treatment with topical antibiotic creams or oral antibiotics.

We use Limelight, an advanced IPL machine, for treating excessive redness.

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What does a treatment entail?

The area will be cleansed and you will be asked to put on a pair of protective goggles. A thin layer of gel is applied to the treatment area and the handpiece is used to treat blocks of skin in a systematic fashion. Short bursts of bright light are emitted from the handpiece which is placed lightly on the skin. Afterwards, the area will be dried and moisturiser and sunblock will be applied.

Is there pain and downtime?

Each burst of light causes a mild stinging sensation. Afterwards, your skin will feel warm and may be red and slightly swollen. Swelling is usually mild and lasts a few days but may be more marked in individuals with sensitive skins. Tinted sunblock may be applied immediately, and make-up from the next day.

When can I expect to see results?

As the initial redness from treatment subsides, you should see an improvement in redness.  Final results from a treatment may take up to a month to become evident  as damaged blood vessels gradually constrict.

How many treatments do I need and how often?

Number of treatments varies from person to person and is dependent on the extent and severity of the facial redness.  We recommend three treatments at monthly intervals for best results, but some people only require one treatment, and others require more than three.  Longevity of results can vary greatly and is dependent on your individual lifestyle and genetics.

Contra-indications to treatment: 

You must not have had any sun-exposure of the treatment area for at least two weeks before a treatment, and must protect that area with protective clothing and a factor 50+ sunblock for at least two weeks afterwards to prevent side-effects.  Other contra-indications include certain skin disorders and the use of certain medications.  These will be discussed prior to treatment.

Your treating practitioner is able to advise on optimal skin care whilst having this treatment.

  • Treats broken blood vessels
  • Treats rosacea
  • Treats a ruddy complexion
  • Treats sun-damaged decolletage
  • Treats Poikiloderma of Civatte
  • Creates a more even-toned skin
  • Refreshes appearance of skin