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Body Treatments

We offer the latest medical aesthetic treatments for ridding your body of stubborn fat, fading scars and stretch marks, treating cellulite, and aiding excessive sweating.

Slender Wonder Weight Loss

What is it?

Slender Wonder is a medical weight loss programme which is safe and effective.  The programme helps to treat the cause of weight gain and helps to reset one’s “lipostat”, making it easier to lose weight and keep the weight off in the future.  Weight loss on the programme is rapid and there is no rebound weight gain afterwards.

The programme consists of 3 components, namely a calorie-controlled diet, supplements, and daily injections.  Slender Wonder has been available in South Africa for many years and is based on a diet called the Simeon Diet which is over 100 years old.  These diets are known as Beta HCG diets and are available around the world under various brand names.

If the programme is followed correctly, most female patients lose 4-6 kg per month (male patients usually lose more).

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Who is a good candidate for the programme?

Almost anyone who is struggling to lose weight, is a good candidate for the Slender Wonder Weight Loss Programme.  We treat all patients who are struggling to lose weight, from a few kilograms to 30 kilograms or more.

What does the programme entail?

Your initial consultation is done by a doctor.  Your medical history will be taken and blood tests ordered, if required.  You will be weighed on our In-Body Scale which determines your body fat, muscle mass, and ideal weight for your height and age.  The programme will be fully explained to you and you will be taught how to do the daily injections.  Your initial consultation takes 1-1 ½ hours.  We see our patients every two weeks for a weigh-in and booster injection.  These 15 minute follow up appointments are done by our practice nurse.

Why do I need injections?

The injections help you access calories from your stubborn body fat.  Although you are on a strict, calorie-controlled diet, you should not feel hungry as your body will be able to access lots of extra calories.  The injections help you lose fat more quickly and help control your appetite.

How long do I need to be on the programme for?

This depends on the amount of weight you would like to lose.  Ideally, we recommend at least 6 weeks to stabilise at your new weight.  For patients who have not reached their goal weight after 6 weeks, we recommend that they take a two week break and then continue the programme.

Does rapid weight loss lead to sagging skin and will the weight all pile back on when I stop?

We have found that the programme helps you lose weight and fat in stubborn problem areas more than anywhere else.  Most patients don’t have a problem with sagging skin afterwards.  If sensible eating habits are followed on completion of the programme, you are likely to keep the weight off.

Do I need to exercise whilst on the programme?

Mild to moderate cardiovascular exercise at least three times a week for a minimum of 30 minutes is advised.  This helps to increase your metabolic rate and helps with weight loss.  Walking, swimming, and jogging are ideal.  You will not be required to do intensive exercise and we advise against weight training until you have reached your goal weight.

How will I feel whilst on the programme?

Most of our patients feel more energetic than ever before, sleep better, stop retaining water, and find that their hair and skins improve whilst on the programme.

Losing weight successfully gives patients back a sense of control which often spills over into all aspects of their lives and helps restore confidence and a feeling of well-being.

  • Medical weight loss programme
  • Treats the cause of weight gain
  • Lose fat in stubborn areas
  • Quick, safe, and effective
  • Lose 4-6 kg/month
  • No rebound weight gain
  • No sagging skin
  • Improve your health
  • Improve your body
  • Improve your self-confidence


What is it?

Coolsculpting is a body shaping treatment (known as “fat freezing”) that uses cryolipolysis to freeze fat cells.  This freezing process causes irreversible fat cell damage and these fat cells gradually undergo apoptosis, or cell death, and are removed from the body.  Coolsculpting is an FDA-approved body shaping treatment that has taken the world by storm and is regarded as the most effective non-surgical body shaping treatment worldwide. Over 3,5 million treatments have been performed.

What areas can be treated? 

Coolsculpting is ideal for treating irritating bulges in areas that are resistant to exercise.  These areas include the abdomen, love handles, bra bulges, inner thighs, saddle bags, upper arms, inner knee area and gynecomastia (“man boobs”).  It is a body shaping treatment, designed to improve contours and give you a better body shape.

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Who is a good candidate for treatment?

Coolsculpting is not a weight loss treatment.  The ideal candidate is within 5kg of their recommended body weight but has resistant fat bulges that won’t disappear with exercise.  It is a safe and recognised treatment that is suitable for all skin types.

What does a treatment entail?

At your initial consultation, your treating practitioner will assess you and advise on what areas can be treated and give you a quotation.

On the day of treatment, you will be photographed, weighed, and measurements will be taken.  The treatment area will be marked in pen and a protective gel pad applied.  A Coolsculpting handpiece will be attached to the area, creating an intense suction as your fat bulge is sucked up between two cooling electrodes. You will then be made comfortable and the cooling mechanism will be switched on.  The first few minutes are mildly uncomfortable but soon settles as the area becomes numb.  Most patients read, work on their laptops, or fall asleep during their treatment.

After an hour of treatment, your practitioner will remove the handpiece, leaving behind a semi-frozen mass of fatty tissue.  A vigorous massage helps to further break down fat cells and restores your tissue to normal temperature.  This is often uncomfortable, but only lasts a few minutes.  Each area takes 1 hour to treat.

Is there pain and downtime?

There may be mild discomfort in the days following your treatment but most people experience no downtime whatsoever and return to normal activities, including gym, immediately.  Rarely, mild bruising, or mild swelling or abdominal bloating will occur and some people experience loose stools as fatty acids are released into their system.  A small percentage of patients develop moderate to severe discomfort, especially if multiple areas have been treated, but this usually responds well to analgesics that can be prescribed by your treating doctor.

What do I need to do afterwards?

You need to follow a low fat diet for 2 months, drink at least 2 liters of water daily, and do at least three sessions of mild cardiovascular exercise a week to ensure optimal results.  We ask that you maintain your weight as it is not possible to assess results if you have put on weight after treatment.

When can I expect to see results?

We usually see our patients 4 weeks after a treatment for a “touch base” follow up.  At this stage, you may be just starting to see a result.  At 8 weeks, we usually see our patients for a final follow-up where photographs and measurements are taken.  At this stage, you should have 90% of your final result, with the last 10% occurring over the next 4 weeks.  Rarely, we have patients who are slow responders and they are seen again at 12 weeks.

You can expect to lose between 20-30% of the fat in the areas treated.

How many treatments do I need and how often?

Most people need one treatment but some may require more to get the result they desire. If you are undergoing a “treatment to transformation” process, you may be prescribed multiple treatments in a systematic fashion to transform your body.  Your practitioner will advise on the best treatment plan for you.

  • Non-surgical body shaping treatment
  • Most populal non-invasive body shaping procedure worldwide
  • Tummy bulges
  • Love handles
  • Bra Bulges
  • Inner thighs
  • Saddle bags
  • Inner knees
  • Upper arms
  • Gynecomastia (man boobs)
Before + After

Fat Dissolving Injections

What is it?

Fat dissolving injections are exactly that – injections that help to dissolve stubborn fat deposits.  We use Ceccarelli solution or Lipo dissolve  to help break down fat cells in a treatment area.  Fat dissolving injections are used to treat small stubborn fat deposits and for body shaping.  That are not helpful as a weight loss treatment.

What areas can be treated? 

Fat dissolving injections can be used almost anywhere on the body that has a small, stubborn pocket of fat.  Typical treatment areas are a double chin, upper abdominal fat, small love handles, bra bulges, fat pockets above the knee, small fat pockets left behind after liposuction or muffin tops that develop after a tummy tuck.

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Who is a good candidate for treatment?

Fat dissolving injections are not a weight loss treatment.  They are used to treat small pockets of fat.  Larger areas respond better to a procedure such as Coolsculpting fat freezing, or a medical weight loss programme such as Slender Wonder.

What does a treatment entail?

The area to be treated will be cleaned with an alcohol swab or antiseptic solution.  Small injections are made at 1cm intervals in a grid-like pattern in the treatment area.  A mild burning sensation is often felt during the injection process.

Is there pain and downtime?

There may be mild discomfort, a burning sensation and mild swelling in the treatment area in the days following your treatment.  Most people find this extremely manageable and you can return to your normal activities immediately, including gym.  Small injection site bruises may occur which usually disappear within a few days. A small percentage of patients develop moderate to severe discomfort, especially if multiple areas have been treated, but this usually responds well to analgesics that can be prescribed by your treating doctor.

What do I need to do afterwards?

You need to follow a low fat diet for 2 weeks, drink at least 2 liters of water daily, and do at least three sessions of mild cardiovascular exercise a week to ensure optimal results.  We ask that you maintain your weight as it is not possible to assess results if you have put on weight after treatment.

When can I expect to see results?

The fat dissolving injections are usually active for about two weeks.  You may see a result during this time but most people need a few treatments to achieve the desired result.  Rarely, some patients get no result with fat dissolving injections.

How many treatments do I need and how often?

Most people need 3-4 treatments at two weekly intervals to get a good result.  Some patients are happy after one treatment, others may need many treatments to get the desired outcome.  We are unable to predict who will respond well to fat dissolving injections.  Smaller treatment areas tend to respond more quickly to treatment.  Your treating practitioner will be able to discuss a treatment plan and likely outcomes with you.

  • Resistant fat bulges
  • Small fat pockets
  • Double chins
  • Tummy bulges
  • Love handles
  • Bra Bulges
  • Inner thighs
  • Fatty pockets above the knees
  • Post-liposuction fat pockets
  • Post-tummy tuck bulges

Cellulite Treatments

What is it?

A combination of different treatment modalities usually gives the best results and maintenance treatments are always required to maintain results.  As a general rule, more severe cellulite usually needs a combination of more treatment modalities to achieve a result.  Our preferred approach is to combine a good cellulite treatment cream with a home dry-brushing regimen and one or two clinic treatment modalities, depending on the grade of cellulite.

We offer G5, an intense mechanical massage that improves blood flow and lymphatic drainage and helps to soften and mobilise pockets of cellulite. We also offer carboxytherapy, a carbon dioxide infusion therapy that increases blood flow to the affected area and increases lymphatic drainage from the area.

If your cellulite is grade 3 or higher, we may also prescribe a course of mesotherapy (subcutaneous injections of active substances) to improve the results of your treatments.

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What causes it?

Cellulite is caused by a combination of factors.  Hormones definitely play a role, with up to 90% of women having some degree of cellulite which tends to worsen with age.  Poor blood circulation, poor lymphatic drainage, and connective tissue bands also contribute to the formation of cellulite.

What areas can be treated?

Any area that has the typical skin dimpling (orange peel appearance) of cellulite can be treated with carboxy therapy and mesotherapy.  Typically, these areas are the upper thighs and buttocks.

Who is a good candidate for treatment?

Any patient with cellulite that bothers them is a good candidate for treatment.  Most patients affected by cellulite are female, although cellulite can sometimes affect male patients as well.

What does a treatment entail?

The area to be treated will be cleaned with an antiseptic solution.

A G5 treatment is a mechanical deep tissue massage where a handpiece is moved across the area, exerting deep pressure that improves blood flow and lymphatic drainage. A treatment takes about 45 minutes and there is no downtime.

Carboxy therapy involves the insertion of tiny needles at regular intervals.  These are attached to a thin tube which allows carbon dioxide gas to enter the tissue.  Carbon dioxide is a safe and inert gas which displaces oxygen in the treatment area.  Your body recognises this localised oxygen deficit and responds by increasing blood flow to the area and lymphatic drainage from the area.

Mesotherapy involves multiple, small injections of active substances at regular intervals just under the skin in the affected area.  These solutions contain ingredients such as L-carnitine and adrenalin which are known to stimulate blood flow and improve lymphatic drainage of the localised area.

Is there pain and downtime?

Most people find a G5 treatment very relaxing. Carboxy therapy and mesotherapy are both uncomfortable due to the small needle pricks involved, although most patients find the discomfort minimal and quickly get used to it.  A feeling of pressure in the treatment area will also be felt with carboxy therapy, which dissipates almost immediately.

Small needle prick bruises may occur. These typically resolve within a few days.

What do I need to do afterwards?

No specific aftercare is needed but we advise you to make lifestyle changes to help increase blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, and decrease water retention which worsens the appearance of cellulite. These include:

  • Increase your water intake.
  • Increase your amount of cardiovascular exercise.
  • Decrease caffeine and alcohol intake.
  • Daily dry brushing of the affected area with a cellulite body brush.
  • Daily use of a cellulite cream.

When can I expect to see results?

Most patients see an improvement in their cellulite within three weeks of starting a treatment programme.

How many treatments do I need and how often?

A typical treatment regimen for G5 and/or carboxy therapy consists of two treatments a week for an initial 6 week period, followed by a maintenance treatment every second week. Mesotherapy treatments are scheduled as required.

  • Improve your appearance
  • Improves self-esteem
  • Feel more comfortable in a swimsuit
  • Treat dimply thighs
  • Treat orange peel appearance
  • Treat jiggly buttocks
  • Regain your confidence

Stretch Mark Treatments

How do we treat stretch marks?

Stretch marks are notoriously difficult to treat.  Early stretch marks which are red or pink in colour tend to respond much better to treatment than older, white stretch marks.

We use carboxy therapy to treat stretch marks.  Carboxy disrupts the existing collagen bundles and stimulates new, tighter collagen fibers to form.  This process helps stretch marks fade and become less noticeable. Your treating practitioner may also recommend Fraxel laser treatments to help resurface the skin.

What areas can be treated?

Any area that has stretch marks can be treated.  The earlier a stretch mark is treated, the better the outcome of the treatment.

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What is it?

Stretch marks are caused by stretching of the skin which leads to an injury and disruption of the normal skin architecture.  This area of injury is healed with the formation of new collagen which heals the injury but leaves in its place a typical white stretch mark.

Stretch marks can form when skin is stretched such as in excessive weight gain or muscle bulking, when tissue is stretched through exercise or pressure, or when children and adolescents have rapid growth spurts.  Rapid growth spurts often result in stretch marks forming on the hips, thighs, buttocks, and breasts.

Some people are more genetically prone to developing stretch marks than others.  Certain medications, such as steroids and other medications that cause thinning of the skin, can also predispose to stretch mark formation.

Who is a good candidate for treatment?

Any patient with stretch marks that bothers them is a good candidate for treatment.  We encourage parents who notice their adolescents developing stretch marks to have them treated as quickly as possible.

What does a treatment entail?

The area to be treated will be cleaned with an antiseptic solution.

Carboxy therapy involves the insertion of tiny needles at regular intervals into each stretch mark.   These needles are attached to a thin tube which allows carbon dioxide gas to enter the stretch mark.  Carbon dioxide is a safe and inert gas which disrupts the abnormal collagen in the stretch mark, and results in an increase in bloodflow to the area.  This increased blood flow brings new fibroblasts to the area and these are responsible for the formation of new, tighter collagen bundles.

Is there pain and downtime?

Carboxy therapy is uncomfortable due to the small needle pricks and the burning sensation that occurs in each stretch mark.  Most patients find the discomfort tolerable and the burning sensation disappears almost immediately.  Small needle prick bruises may occur. These typically resolve within a few days. 

What do I need to do afterwards?

No specific aftercare is needed.

When can I expect to see results?

Most patients see an improvement in red or pink stretch marks within 2-3 sessions.  Older, white stretch marks often take longer to show an improvement.

How many treatments do I need and how often?

A typical treatment regimen for stretch marks consists of a carboxy treatment every two weeks.  The number of treatments needed is determined by the severity and extent of the stretch marks.  We often only treat one area per session, depending on the patient’s tolerance of the treatment.

  • Improves appearance of stretch marks
  • Improves self-esteem
  • Feel more comfortable with your body
  • Stretch marks on buttocks
  • Stretch marks on thighs
  • Stretch marks on hips
  • Stretch marks on breasts
  • Stretch marks on abdomens
  • Stretch marks behind the knees

Scar Treatments

What is it?

Scars are formed after an injury or surgical incision disrupts the integrity of the skin.  The resultant healing process leads to an excessive formation of abnormal collagen known as scar tissue.  Some people are prone to keloid scarring – a condition of excessive scar tissue formation.

Scars are often unsightly and most people would prefer their scars to be unnoticeable to others.

Treatment of scars to improve their appearance is often best achieved with a combination of treatments.  We use a combination of skin needling, Fraxel laser, carboxy therapy, and steroid injections to decrease scar bulk and improve the appearance.

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What areas can be treated?

Any area that has a scar can be treated.  Most scars will improve in appearance but they are unlikely to disappear completely.

Who is a good candidate for treatment?

Any patient who has a scar that bothers them is a good candidate for treatment.  We advise patients to wait a minimum of six weeks after an injury or surgical incision before embarking on scar treatment.  Large and unsightly scars may benefit from surgical revision, a process where the scar is excised surgically and the wound is resutured.  We will advise a patient if we think that a surgical revision is likely to give them a better result than treatments with other minimally invasive modalities that we offer. 

What does a treatment entail?

The area to be treated will be examined and documented, and an opinion given on what treatments are likely to give the best results.

Scars with keloid formation or excessive scar tissue benefit from steroid injections into the scar which help to de-bulk them.

Skin needling, Fraxel laser, and carboxy therapy all help to improve the appearance and colour of a scar by disrupting the abnormal scar tissue and allowing normal collagen to gradually take it’s place.  Further information on all of these treatments is available under each individual treatment heading.  

Is there pain and downtime? 

We apply topical anaesthetic to the scar area prior to treatment which makes each treatment only mildly uncomfortable.

What do I need to do afterwards?

Daily application of a scar treatment cream is recommended.

When can I expect to see results?

Most patients see an improvement in scars within 2-3 treatments.

How many treatments do I need and how often?

Number and frequency of treatments is determined by the size and severity of the scar.  A treatment plan will be discussed with each patient individually.

  • Improves appearance of scars
  • De-bulk keloid scars
  • Improvement in colour
  • Improvement in mobility
  • Improves self-esteem
  • Feel more comfortable with your body
  • Injury scars
  • Surgical scars


What is it?

Hyperhidrosis is a medical condition which describes excessive and unpredictable sweating.  When excessive sweating affects the hands, feet or armpits, it is known as primary hyperhidrosis.  This condition usually runs in families and often improves or even disappears with age. Secondary hyperhidrosis is caused by another medical conditions and can be widespread or localised.

Approximately 3% of the general population suffer from primary hyperhidrosis and 50% of these find that it is worst in their axillae (underarm area).

Treatment options include specific anti-perspirants which often stain clothing and surgical procedures which have variable success rates.  An easy non-invasive treatment is the use of Botulinism Toxin to inhibit the sweat glands.  This treatment has FDA- approval for treating severe primary hyperhidrosis of the underarm area  which interferes with daily living and is resistant to topical treatment. It is a safe and very effective treatment.  Treatment of other areas is off-licence.

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What areas can be treated?

Any area that is prone to excessive sweating can be treated with Botulinum Toxin.  These include:

  • Underarms
  • Palms of hands
  • Soles of feet
  • Brow/Forehead
  • Groin
  • Hairline

Who is a good candidate for treatment?

Anyone with hyperhidrosis is a good candidate for treatment.  We treat adolescents, teenagers, and adults.  Many of our patients are executives who feel that excessive underam wetness makes them appear nervous instead of cool, calm and collected.

What does a treatment entail?

Minute amounts  of Botox are injected very superficially at 1-2cm intervals throughout the area to be treated. The Botox temporarily “switches off” the chemical messenger that causes sweating.

The vast majority of patients have a normal distribution of underarm sweat glands and get a good result.  If areas of excessive wetness persist, a simple iodine-starch test can be done in your doctor’s consultation room helps to demarcate the area of sweat gland distribution for more accurate treatment.

Is there pain and downtime?

The treatment area is iced beforehand to minimalise discomfort.  Most people tolerate this treatment easily.  A topical anaesthetic can be applied beforehand if required.  Tiny injection site bruises may occur but disappear in a few days.  A nerve block may be performed when treating the palms of the hands or the sole of the feet.

What do I need to do afterwards? 

There is no specific aftercare needed.

When can I expect to see results and how long do they last for?

Most people report a reduction of up to 80% of sweating in the underarm area after Botulinum Toxin injections.  It takes 3-4 days for it to start working and two weeks to reach maximum effect.  Effects last for 4-12 months, with most people finding it lasts for about 8 months.

  • Underarm sweating
  • Palms of Hands
  • Soles of feet
  • Groin area
  • Brow sweating
  • Hairline sweating
  • Improves self-confidence
  • Protects clothing

Laser Hair Removal

What is it?

Laser hair removal is the permanent removal of unwanted hair using targeted laser technology. Some practices use IPL for hair removal. IPL is not a laser and uses a wide band of light which is absorbed by pigment in the hair follicle. IPL can only be used safely in certain skin types. We use IPL in certain patients but usually use a powerful laser called an ND-Yag laser which tends to give superior results with fewer treatments and can be used to treat patients of any skin colour.

Permanent removal of unwanted hair often gives patients an increased level of confidence and the freedom to be spontaneous in many aspects of daily life.

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What is laser hair removal used for?

Laser hair removal is used to remove unwanted hair in any area of the body. It is also very effective in patients who are prone to developing ingrown hairs and inflammation.

  • Hair removal
  • Management of folliculitis (ingrown hairs and inflammation) and prevention of scarring and pigmentation
  • Treatment of Pseudofolliculitis Barbae (ingrown beard hairs with inflammation)

What areas can be treated?

We use laser hair removal to remove unwanted hair on the face, neck, chest, back, legs, underarms, arms, feet, and intimate areas. Lasers target dark pigment in hair follicles. Thick, dark hairs tend to get the best results. Unfortunately, blonde, grey and red hair do not respond to laser hair removal (ND-Yag) or IPL. Chat to your treating practitioner about alternative treatment options.

Who can have laser hair removal?

Both men and women seek laser hair removal treatments. We recommend waiting until after puberty before starting with laser hair removal as hair growth accelerates during puberty and more treatments will be needed.

Do not have laser hair removal if you have recently tanned or have had sun exposure in the previous two weeks. Certain skin conditions and sensitivities may lead to complications when having laser hair removal. If you have any skin conditions, please advise your practitioner. Please keep area protected with sunblock and sun avoidance for a few days after the procedure.

What does a treatment entail?

You will be asked to put on special goggles to protect your eyes from the laser. Individual laser shots are directed systematically across the treatment area. These feel like sharp elastic band snaps which is uncomfortable, but manageable. Afterwards, the area may feel warm and mildly uncomfortable but this tends to settle within a few hours.

Please shave the area to be treated 1-2 days before your treatment so that a tiny part of the hair is visible and able to be targeted by the laser.

Is there pain and downtime?

Redness and mild swelling may occur, in the treatment area. This usually lasts 1-2 days. Discomfort is mild and usually does not require analgesics.

When can I expect to see results?

With each treatment, many of your hairs will fall out within a few days. Some may grow back but many will be permanently removed. You can expect to see a reduction in hair growth with each treatment.

How many treatments do I need and how often?

The hair growth cycle has three phases. Hairs that are in the anagen phase of growth will be permanently removed by a laser hair removal treatment. Unfortunately, only about 18% of hairs are in this phase at any one time which is why more than one treatment is needed. A typical hair growth cycle lasts ranges from 6-12 weeks (dependent on various factors including area on the body). For this reason, your treating practitioner will recommend the ideal time to return for your next ND-Yag treatment so that more hairs in the anagen phase of growth can be targeted. This is usually 6-8 weeks later.

Most patients require 5-6 treatments to achieve almost full hair removal in an area but this can vary as hair growth cycles vary from patient to patient. Some patients will require further treatments to achieve a good result.

Odd hairs which were not in the anagen phase at any stage during your treatment course may remain and can be treated with “spot” treatments. These will be charged at a nominal rate.

Certain medical conditions, medications and hormonal changes (eg menopause) may result in hair reappearing and will require further treatments.

  • Removes unwanted hair
  • Management of folliculitis
  • Management of Pseudofolliculitis Barbae
  • Helps prevent ingrown hairs and inflammation
  • Helps prevent infection, scarring and pigmentation